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Stages of Writing


This assignment is about my method of writing and how I incorporate the five stages of writing which are planning, drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading into my work.

My current method of writing is somewhat similar to the five stages of writing. The five stages of writing include planning, drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading. When writing I tend to skip the planning and only use it in certain cases where I deem it necessary. I find it more useful to write whatever comes to mind while keeping the prompts in mind so that I don’t stray far away from the task at hand. I believe that a first draft is very useful since it allows the writer to write with fewer consequences compared to writing a final draft where the piece is unable to be changed. When revising I tend to look over my work and locate places where my writing seems out of place. I do this by carefully reading through my paper to see if my writing truly represents the topic that I’m writing about or whether my writing fits the prompt given. When editing I look for ways where I can effectively remove and incorporate information that will strengthen my writing without damaging it. I would often change my wording in certain areas in order to do so. When proofreading I tend to use the grammar check on Google Docs as well as Microsoft Word in order to locate any grammar and spelling mistakes that my writing may have. I believe that the revision process will help me when writing the lab analysis as I am able to get different perspectives on what needs to be changed. There are several times where I believe that my writing doesn’t need to be changed due to the fact that I tend to overlook flaws in my writing. However, having a second opinion on my writing really opens my eyes to what should be changed in order to make it a more enjoyable paper for the audience.

Writing and Research. (n.d.). https://www.amyglenn.com/Courses/writing.htm.